Sunday, October 29, 2017

Dead Viewing: Season 8, Episode 2-"The Damned"

***You may want to stop here.***
***There will be spoilers.***
***This is not a review. It is just my thoughts as I'm watching the show.***
***I update during commercials.***

Wondering if Gabriel has used his pooping pants yet...should have left Gregory. Welcome Back, everyone to episode 2. Here we go....

Are they going to spend the whole season opening on Rick's eyes? Now Daryl's. Now Ezekiel  is down. Something bad has happened. Carol is down, too. The Alexandrians and the Hilltops are not down. These are the Saviors. Uh-oh, somebody's not reporting back. Rick and the Crew are taking our another Savior check point!!! There is so much going on this season, and I still have so many questions. FYI, there is literally not a single Savior I would miss, not one.

Daryl, Morgan, Jesus,Morgan, and Carol are trying to take the weather station again. Morgan is awful damn cocky. Oh, the explosion from the grenades from last week is why they were down. Jerry says protect the king. The king says protect yourselves. Ezekiel with his Medieval  talk, he is a handsome man, but at times, I just want him to shut up, and he sent that kid to get Shiva. Nah, man, I'm good. What place is this where Rick and the others are? What is Morgan...Oh, Diana with the arrows. Bye-bye, Saviors. How did... Seriously how did Morgan get in here? Just found out that the incompetent Savior was the kid who played Minkus in Boy Meets World. This female Savior is talking a lot of noise for someone hiding behind a Cherokee.  THERE IS SO MUCH DEATH AND DESTRUCTION RIGHT NOW!!!!! Luckily, none of our guys.

Daryl and Rick are on the forth floor of the building. Our groups have met up. Jesus was taken hostage briefly by a dude named Dean after Tara said to kill him, and Dean had peed his pants on purpose. What is Morgan doing? I know he was playing dead but...

Jerry is like Gimli in The Lord of the Rings. Zeke is turning into Season 1 and 2 Tony Gonzalez. A little annoying with all the drops, but cute, so I give him a pass. Carol really has a STFU look on her face right now. Be careful, Daryl. Is this where they held Daryl hostage? Is this Negan's brothel? Who is this!!! C'mon Rick!!!! Well, that's one way to take them out. Morgan is just capping everything that is moving? Tara and Jesus's group have captured a group of Saviors. Tara is all for capping them. Jesus is holding them hostage. MOrgan arrives to the bright sunlight with Rick's words from the church playing in his brain. Morgan is about to cap this dude that took his staff. Morgan is right. He tried rehabbing monsters. They don't rehab easily.

Rick is about to lose it over this baby crib. Who was Gracie? Maybe the dude who Rick just killed. Keep it together, Rick. Somebody is bleeding near Carol and Ezekiel's group. There is Shiva. Two Alexandriains have been shot. I think Aaron's boyfriend is going to be next. Way to go with the car, Aaron!!! Oh, no. Eric has been shot. 

Ezekiel and Shiva. Carol and Zeke make a cute couple. Is that a picture of Glenn?  Is this the same guy from season 1? Morales?  What the crap dude? Rick is captured. Looks like Daryl maybe, too. Eric is shot, and Morgan and Jesus are at a stand off. I really don't like all of this staring business. Morales has a gun...See you next week!!!!

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