Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dead Viewing: Season 9, Episode 11-"Bounty"

***You may want to stop here.***
***There will be spoilers.***
***This is not a review. It is just my thoughts as I'm watching the show.***
***I update during commercials.***
Remember, I'm just writing what I see and reacting.

Welcome back, everybody!!! We get to see the confrontation with Alpha tonight. Hey, Jerry and Ezekiel, long time no see. Nabila and Jerry are going to have a baby!!! Awwww!! Carol's haris is short, oh a flashback, there is Jesus and Tara. I wish they would tell us what happened between Maggie and Michonne. So, Ezekiel now has the accord that Michonne wrote for all of the groups but refused to sign. Diane, Ezekiel and Carol are going hunting, and dang, Nabila and Jerry have three kids!!! Alpha asks for her daughter and Daryl refuses to give her, so Alpha signals for more of her people.

Earl and Tammy arguing about burns. Enid is now a full-fledged doctor. Tammy and Enid discussing Alden when Marco tells Enid about the Whisperers. Connie is hiding in the corn. Alpha tells them that she will not have conflict, if they will give back her daughter. Daryl decides to have a one on one conversation with Alpha even though the rest of the group are afraid Alpha will kill Alden and Luke if they don't give her Lydia. After the great elk hunt for the fair, Ezekiel wants to take a side mission without Carol which does not go over well with Carol who accompanies him to what appears to be an overrun movie theater full of walkers.

Daryl tells Alpha she can't have her. Alpha brought a woman nursing a baby out her. Daryl threatens to light them up. Alpha offers him Alden and Luke for her daughter. Carol thinks it is to risky to get a projector bulb from the theater to show a movie. I love Jerry lip synching and bopping to the music they are using to lure the walkers out of the theater. Ugh, a Walker almost takes its head off going through a popcorn machine. Alpha also brought a group of the dead with her. Luke sees Connie in the corn. He signals to her that she needs to stay hidden. Meanwhile, Henry has broken Lydia out and escaped with her. This kid...

This baby is crying, and Alpha stares the mother down until she leaves the baby on the ground for the dead. What the what?  Connie grabs the crying baby, runs into the cornfield,  and is being chased by walkers Daryl, Tammy, Earl and Kelly get Connie and the baby. Jerry is trying to get a light bulb and Ezekiel wants to get a frame for the charter. Carol is talking about talking to Jesus about going to Hilltop, and as they are about to leave, Diane and Jerry are attacked by a walker, and Jerry dropped the bulb.

Lydia was surprised that her mother came. Enid is trying to convince Henry that they have to give her back to savy their people. Enid is telling him about Carl in order to convince him to let Lydia go. Lydia tells them that she will go back, and she will miss him. She tells him that she will be okay and he will be, too. Then, she kisses him. Daryl takes Lydia to meet with Alpha. They give them Luke and Alden. Lydia apologizes to her mother who slaps her and tells her to call her Alpha like the rest. Daryl is really not happy about this exchange.

So, they are going to Legolas and Aragorn their way into the theater. Carol wanting to protect Ezekiel so much and his saying that maybe they are done losing for a while does not bode well for Ezekiel, especially since it seems they are passing one of the Whisperers tags. Daryl and Henry discuss Lydia. He says with the scars on his back how could he send her back. Henry says he knows that Daryl helped when the bad things went down at Alexandria. They have the charter in the frame and the projector working. Connie and her group are back. Alden and Enid are hooking up. They gave the baby to Tammy and Earl. Jerry is back home with his family, and  Henry looks like he is about to do something stupid, and he has a not which the girl with glasses gives him a note that Henry says he couldn't live with it. Daryl goes after him, and Connie decides to go with him. That's all, y'all!!!! See ya, next week!!!

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