Sunday, November 4, 2018

Dead Viewing: Season 9, Episode 5-"What Comes After"

***You may want to stop here.***
***There will be spoilers.***
***This is not a review. It is just my thoughts as I'm watching the show.***
***I update during commercials.***
Remember, I'm just writing what I see and reacting.

Welcome back, everyone!!! It's the last The Walking Dead episode with Rick Grimes. Our fearless leader is about to leave us, and while I'm going to miss Rick, and how he says "Carl," I think I'm going to be okay when it is over. We'll see.

And so it begins...

The blackbird flock opens with current Rick telling old coma Rick to wake-up. The birds turn into helicopters. Morgan's voice asking him what is his wound. Coma, Rick telling him to wake up. Rick wakes up and pulls himself off the rebar using his belt as a lever. He's made it back to his horse, but he is bleeding badly.

The smoking RV driven by Anne's RV has run out of gas. Her walkie talkie asks for her location and her A. She lies about her A. Rick is delirious trying to lead the Walkers away, but he is in pain. It moves to Diane and Maggie who confront a Walker. Maggie kills it with the crowbar from last week. Back to Rick, and he is losing a lot of blood. He sees a mailbox and follows a trail a cabin with a message on the door "Come face me a**holes." He finds a tablecloth and uses it to try to stop the blood before he looks around the cabin and sees the dead former residents of this cabin. Then, he passes out.

Flashback to Rick riding into Atlanta. Lori asking what is his wound. There is Shane. Rick says he's looking for his family. Shane tells him sure it isn't his family. Then, points out that Judith is his. Shane is telling him about all the things that he did that is a reflection of Shane. Shane is telling him to dig deep. He apologizes for killing Shane, who tells him to forget it and wake up right before walkers almost overtake him. Judith and Michonne are talking about shells when Scott comes in to tell her that Maggie is there. She gets there in time to stop Maggie. Maggie says that Negan should have died under the tree. Michonne tells her that Glenn nor Hershel would want her to do this. Michonne asks can she live with what comes after. She says that she cant live with it now. Michonne gives her the keys to the cell. Negan tells Maggie that Michonne has the blade, but she has the fire. Negan says that she took a long time to get there. He tells her that he enjoyed killing Glenn. He tells her not to punk out like Rick. He is begging Maggie to kill him, so he can be with Lucille. HE can't kill himself, so she has to kill him. He wants her kill him. She came to kill Negan, but she says that he is worse than dead, and puts him back into his cell. Negan appears to be broken, but I don't trust him. I do not trust him at all.

Michonne seems relieved that Maggie did not kill Negan, but Diane arrives telling them that there is something wrong at the camp. Rick is delirious. Flashing back. Awwww, Hershel...Rick apologizes for Hershel, Beth, and Glenn. Man, I'm crying...Rick tells him he needs to find his family. Hershel tells him they will get there. Hershel tells him to wake up. He does briefly before he finds himself in the hospital going through the don't open dead inside door, and he finds himself standing among the dead. All with faces of people he has known. Sasha rises from among them. He says they are all dead. She tells him that it is okay because he did his part. They gave strength from those who died, and he will strength others. She tells him that he is not going to find his family because they are not lost and neither is he. She tells him he needs to wake up. Rick has fallen from his horse and appears to wake up at the camp, and there seems to have been slaughter there.  

Rick takes down two Walkers, but the others are coming through the camp. He's leading them away from the camp. Honestly, most people would have been dead of this injury by now. Rick has made it to the bridge with the Walkers behind him. Daryl and the rest have arrived. Michonne tells him that him that they don't die. She tells him to fight for her and fight for all of us. He has found his family. Wait, I think he is hallucinating. She tell him to wake up. So he was, but Rick is at the bridge. He is going to sacrifice the bridge to save his family. But the bridge is holding, and Daryl is keeping the walkers away from Rick. Rick tells them not to save him. His friends are trying to turn the herd to save him, but it's too many. Rick sees dynamite and blows up the bridge. H sacrifices himself to save the others. Not Daryl and Michonne crying. I'm not going to make it guys. Daryl just walks away, and Maggie and Carol are trying to comfort Michonne. Rick's last words were, "I found them." He found his family, and he saves them one last time. This is the second time this week that I have ugly cried at something I watched on the screen. Daryl just broke me, man...

I don't even care about Jadis/Anne and the helicopter. Wait!!!! Rick is still alive. She says she has a b, not an A. The Helicopter people pick up both Rick and Anne. Where the hell are they going?  Rick Grimes lives!!!!!!!! Where are they taking him though? Who are these people? I see the chubby dued from Fantastic Beasts. Who is the little girl voice? What the What? Did we have a flash-foward? Judith? With Rick's hat, a gun, and her own sword? I don't know what is going on?! Wow, so much to unpack for next week!!! We basically get a whole new show next week, and I can't wait!!!!

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