Sunday, April 8, 2018

Dead Viewing: Season 8, Episode 15-"Worth"

***You may want to stop here.***
***There will be spoilers.***
***This is not a review. It is just my thoughts as I'm watching the show.***
***I update during commercials.***
Remember, I'm just writing what I see and reacting.

Welcome back, everybody!!! Last week, we had a little issue with the old cable company, and well, hopefully, all the problems have been rectified. Only one more episode until the season finale. 

Opens with Rick reading Carl's letter and looking at Judith. Awwww, Carl is reading it, and reminiscing about the happy days with family before the fall. Jerry walking with the littlest baby. Showing everybody in the calm before the storm. He is talking about everybody finding a way to peace. That if Negan won't do it, that he should. Carl wants the killing to stop. So, Michonne is about to read what Carl wrote to Negan, huh, why did she wait this long. It wasn't like Rick has been around to stop her. 

Of course, Gregory is back with the Saviors and talking to Simon. I hate this dude. Oh, so Simon thinks he's in charge, and he does not know that Negan is back. Uh-oh, so stuff is going to hit the fan tonight. Speaking of stuff, Gregory has a ton of it coming out of his mouth right now. Simon is like, dude, you are a dead man. Wow, this speech Gregory!!! That big talk lasted all of five seconds. He is going to be coffee boy for Simon. Dumb. The ladies of Oceanside has said that Aaron is on his own. Eugene is still making these people eat some mac and cheese and sardines...eww. He has turned into a boss who is trying to boss the guys into the number of bullets they need to keep Simon. He has Gabriel masked up. Gabriel is trying to screw up the bullets. Gabriel is falling back to the scared Gabriel. Ugh...Eugene has taken him off the line and told him to go sit in the corner and keep his crying to a minimum. LOL...Rosita and Daryl have kidnapped Eugene. A whistle, and Dwight sees that Negan is back. Dwight told him Simon was number two, and he was just following Simon. He tells him to remember this conversation when the time comes. 

Ha, Simon, Negan's home. He is talking about screwing up Hilltop. He doesn't know that Negan knows about the Heapsters. Negan says that he should have taken out Simon in the beginning. He makes Simon get on his knees and tells him all is forgiven. They want to keep Hilltop cut off. Negan plans to try to snipe them until they are scared to leave. He holds Dwight back and sends the rest off. I think Negan picked up that girl savior who got away from Dwight. I think Dwight is going to die tonight. 

Eugene is already getting on Daryl's nerves. Eugene is trying to justify his becoming "Negan." Eugene blames Rick. Rosita says he'll live, but they will keep him for his knowledge. Someone may be in the bushes watching them. Dwight is still in spy mode, but in comes Simon, who still wants to take over the Sanctuary after Negan let him go. Simon is planning a mutiny against Dwight. Dwight is siding with Simon? What? One or both of them is dead tonight.

Eugene is up to...eww, he just threw up all over Rosita. Of course, he is hiding in the ashes. Whatever happens to Eugene now, I'm done with him. Walkers are stalking Aaron, who at this point is running on fumes. Yet, Aaron took out five of the Walkers, before he wakes up to the ladies of Oceanside. He gives them a King Theoden fight speech before passing out again.

Dwight is back where he started earlier tonight. Simon and his mutiny crew with Gregory...LOL...really? This is the crew that is going to take out Negan. Simon wants to take out Negan and then destroy the Hilltop. Dwight turned on Simon...LOL. Whooo. Took out the whole crew except Dwight and Gregory. Simon asked Dwight why. Dwight says Negan would win. Now, Negan tells Simon that he knows about the garbage people. Then, he goes all Ric Flair. To be the man you've got to beat the man. Simon is still talking trash as he is about to fight Negan. Negan is holding up well considering he's been in a wreck and a fight, and Gregory is trying to sneak out. For Real Dwight, you are going to trust Gregory? Well, Negan just choked Simon to death. 

This commercial for next week's The Walking Dead with Negan bringing Gabriel as a hostage reminds me of Hershel. Gregory actually came back to Hilltop and brought the map that Dwight gave him. Now, Dwight and Negan are together in the bowels of the Sanctuary, and Negan has "made him his right hand man." I knew it!!! I knew that's who he picked up. The girl who escaped. She has told on Dwight. Negan used Gregory to send his fake plan. He said he thought about killing Dwight, but he has some other plans for Dwight. Negan wants the bullet order filled by tomorrow morning. Eugene is full Negan, and he will fulfill his orders. Man, Negan put Simon on the fence. Michonne is talking to Negan. She tells him to shut and listen. She is reading Carl's letter to Negan. He said the same thing to Negan that he said to Rick. Negan said that he will not accept their surrender. He only wants them dead. That Rick started this, and their destruction is the only way to start over. Season Finale Next Week!!!! Looks like they are meeting on the battle field!!!

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